Getting Started#
Chronon essentially can operate in two modes - online and offline. Using Chronon offline for the first time is designed to be really simple.
Online however, you would need to teach chronon how to talk to your Key-Value store and how to understand the data that is in your kafka message bus. This is a one time setup.
This article contains information required to setup and use Chronon.
Initial Setup#
If you wish to work in an existing chronon repo, simply run
pip install chronon-ai
If you wish to setup the chronon repo and install the package, simply run the command below and fill out the spark path in
curl -s | $SHELL
At this point you will have a repo starting point and three tools on your path.
The repo contains three folders - group_bys
, joins
and staging_queries
where you add your code.
- which tells you whether your configuration is valid and compiles it into something the chronon engine can execute. The output of this goes into theproduction
- which can take your compiled conf and runs it in a mode of your
- which allows you to keyword or lineage search all the existing definitions.
Compilation to JSON is done via
. Chronon can interpret the compiled artifacts
for managing metadata, creating data processing pipelines, online serving etc. --conf=<conf_type>/<team>/<conf_name>.py
can be “staging_queries” or “group_bys” or “joins”team
is your team name as registered in
is the python file where you put your compute definition.
There are three main API concepts that can be executed in Chronon - GroupBy, Join & StagingQuery.
Please familiarize yourself with the Python API.
There are a few modes in which these primitives can be executed using
GroupBy - backfill, upload, streaming, fetching, analyze
Join - backfill, fetching, analyze, consistency
StagingQuery - backfill
Each of these modes take the compiled json of the python API and do a specific action.
Offline modes#
analyze - does full validation of the sql expressions used in the python API, prints the result schema and optionally does heavy hitter/hot key detection.
backfill - mode reads data from hive and produces data into hive according to compute definition.
Online modes#
upload - reads data from hive and bulk uploads data into KVStore.
streaming - reads data from kafka and adds into KVStore.
fetch - reads values from kv store, does some compute if necessary and return a result.
consistency - runs the job to compare online served values against backfilled values. See Online-Offline Consistency doc
You can run the configs in their modes using run command --mode=<MODE> --conf=<PATH>/<TO>/<YOUR>/<DEFINITION>
You can directly tune the parameters setup as env-vars set in
or via
EXECUTOR_MEMORY=16G PARALLELISM=2000 --mode=backfill --conf=production/joins/<your_team>/<your_join>
# or
EXECUTOR_MEMORY=2G PARALLELISM=8 --mode=streaming --conf=production/group_bys/<your_team>/<your_group_by>
Finally, if you want to explore existing feature definitions in Chronon, use
with any key word like user
, views
This will list out instances where, source table, group_by name, aggregate column name or join name contains the keyword. <KEYWORD>
There are essentially four integration points:
Chronon Repository - This is where your users will define Chronon configurations. We recommend that this live within an airflow pipeline(or your own data pipeline scheduler’s) repository to make deployment easy. Once you have the repository setup you can begin using Chronon for offline batch pipelines. Please fill out your spark submit path and your date partitioning conventions in
.For online Serving
KVStore - for storing and serving features in low latency. This can be any kv store that can support point write, point lookup, scan and bulk write.
StreamDecoder - for reading bytes from kafka and converting them into a Chronon Event or a Chronon Mutation. If you have a convention between how you convert data in kafka into data in warehouse, you would need to follow that same convention to decode as well.
Airflow - for scheduling spark pipelines that periodically checks and triggers missing tasks, join backfills, group by uploads, meta data uploads, etc.
KV Store API#
KVStore API has three methods for you to implement (once per company).
of a series of tripleskeys, value, time
of a series of tupleskeys, Option[time]
- which returnTimedValue
. You can map time as a secondary key that comes standard in no-sql stores.bulkPut
- to upload a hive table into your kv store. If you have another mechanism (like an airflow upload operator) to upload data from hive into your kv stores you don’t need to implement this method.
object KVStore {
// `afterTsMillis` implies that this is a range scan of all values with `timestamp` >= to the specified one. This can be implemented efficiently, if `timestamp` can be a secondary key. Some databases have a native version id concept which also can map to timestamp.
case class GetRequest(keyBytes: Array[Byte], dataset: String, afterTsMillis: Option[Long] = None)
// response is a series of values that are
case class TimedValue(bytes: Array[Byte], millis: Long)
case class GetResponse(request: GetRequest, values: Try[Seq[TimedValue]]) {
def latest: Try[TimedValue] =
case class PutRequest(keyBytes: Array[Byte], valueBytes: Array[Byte], dataset: String, tsMillis: Option[Long] = None)
trait KVStore {
def create(dataset: String): Unit
// Used by the Chronon client to fetch features
def multiGet(requests: Seq[GetRequest]): Future[Seq[GetResponse]]
// Used by spark streaming job to write values
def multiPut(keyValueDatasets: Seq[PutRequest]): Future[Seq[Boolean]]
// Used by spark upload job to bulk upload data into kv store
def bulkPut(sourceOfflineTable: String, destinationOnlineDataSet: String, partition: String): Unit
Stream Decoder API#
Simple deserializer API to decode bytes in a kafka stream into java values.
Java values are expected to be a Mutation
- which capture two kinds of data.
Events - Eg., Bank transactions -
Mutations - Eg., Bank Balance table with row:
A mutation event would contain a
row and anafter
.If mutation is a db table insert - before is null, after should contain values.
If mutation is a table delete - after is null, before should contain value.
If mutation is an update - both before and after should be present.
Events are special of Mutations / inserts. Before is always null, only
is specified.
You can use Apache Debezium if you don’t have a Mutation capture system in place. Until
then you can simply use Chronon for Events
case for online serving of realtime features.
case class Mutation(schema: StructType = null, before: Array[Any] = null, after: Array[Any] = null)
abstract class StreamDecoder extends Serializable {
def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Mutation
def schema: StructType
Chronon has a type system that can map to Spark’s or Avro’s type system. Schema is based on the below table which contains Java types corresponding to the Chronon schema types. StreamDecoder should produce mutations that comply.
Chronon Type |
Java Type |
IntType |
java.lang.Integer |
LongType |
java.lang.Long |
DoubleType |
java.lang.Double |
FloatType |
java.lang.Float |
ShortType |
java.lang.Short |
BooleanType |
java.lang.Boolean |
ByteType |
java.lang.Byte |
StringType |
java.lang.String |
BinaryType |
Array[Byte] |
ListType |
java.util.List[Byte] |
MapType |
java.util.Map[Byte] |
StructType |
Array[Any] |
Putting stream decoder and kv store together, you need to implement the abstract class below.
abstract class Api(userConf: Map[String, String]) extends Serializable {
def streamDecoder(groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed): StreamDecoder
def genKvStore: KVStore
Once you have the api object you can build a fetcher class using the api object like so
val api = new MyApiImplementation(myParams)
val fetcher = api.buildFetcher()
val javaFetcher = api.buildJavaFetcher()
// you can use fetcher to begin fetching values (there is a java version too)
fetcher.fetchJoins(Seq(Request(name="", keys=Map("user" -> "bob", "item" -> "pizza"))))
// if your date partition column convention in your warehouse differs from "yyyy-MM-dd" you should set a partitionSpec
is captured from commandline arguments to the
script or to the
with ai.chronon.spark.Driver
as the main class -Zkey1=value1 -Zkey2=value2
becomes {key1: value1, key2: value2}
initializer argument to the Api class. You can use
that to set KVStore params, or kafka params for streaming jobs or bulk upload jobs.